We visited the beach house yesterday afternoon. Since the weather was yucky in the Philly area, we were happy to see the sun when we got there.

What's offered at the Music Pier this week? How about a John Phillips Sousa concert by the Ocean City Pops? It's on July 2nd at 7:30 PM. $10 and $15 tickets are available. On July 4th, the Ocean City Pops will have an "All Patriotic Salute" at 7:30 PM. Prices are the same. Remember The Duprees (Two Different Worlds, You Belong to Me)? They'll be performing on July 6th with the Ocean City Pops. Tickets are $20.

There are lots of contests in Ocean City this week including taffy sculpting and treasure hunts. Call 609-525-9300 for a schedule of events.

Summer Officially Starts Tomorrow!

The weather has been warm for quite awhile now but summer will officially begin tomorrow. I wish I was down in Ocean City where the mix of breezes and the hot temperature feels great.

I've added a link to pressofatlanticcity.com to keep you updated with shore news and entertainment.

Speaking of entertainment, The Lettermen are appearing at the OC Music Pier on the boardwalk this Sunday night at 8 PM. Am I the only one old enough to remember "The Way You Look Tonight"?

Wow, What a Week It Has Been!

We rented six weeks this week. Some of our usual June vacationers had perfectly good reasons to skip their vacations this year and that left a number of available last minute weeks but, boy, did they go fast this week. All of the June weeks have been rented.

I was so busy answering phone calls, responding to emails and private messages that I even asked Blackie dog to help me. See her working? Just kidding!

Oh, by the way, we only have a couple of September weeks left. Let me know if you're interested. Things have slowed down now and I'd love it if you emailed or phoned me.

One other thing: I added a link to accuweather.com showing Ocean City's forecast.